Old memories need to be deleted

I see people often post pictures of their past saying, 'i miss this moment' or 'wish i could go back'. My view about this, other people might have theirs, is that we often linger in our past and expect our present and the future to be equally cherishable or more. When we do not meet our own expectations, such posts arise. With this we play the blame game, either we blame the time, the place or the company that we keep.

What I feel we should do is, never hold on to any thing. Even if the memories are the most precious to our hearts or the most unfortunate. We need to let it go. Only then will we make room for others.
Take an example of our phones, when we have lots of pictures, memories of events, our phone says 'storage full' and we are compelled to delete few. Even then we select the ones which are lesser, the most precious remain. Due to this we restrict the amount of new pictures. Similarly, when we hold on to our past experiences, we are restricting new adventures. We put a notion in our minds and expect that things should be same.

Life doesn't work that way. There is never a straight peaceful road all the way to our destinations. We need to climb, fall, twist and turn. What is important is our consistency and determination. We need to think that every thing will have it's time. We need to have a 'This too shall pass' reminder everyday. That, Happy moments a few minutes earlier can turn to the saddest, and vice versa. Tomorrows will always have something (even if it's a tiny bit) unique. Look upto that and never compare it with what you already had. It has it's own set of charm.

Therefore, always remember never hold on to anything and always make room for new experiences. Our life has so much to offer only thing we need is perseverance and patience. Life will seem so much better.


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