
16, The Revolution of the Melody

16 is sweet an age A hint of adulthood A glimpse into future A preparation for a revolution 16 is a song to carve A rhythm woven by time A beat resonated with broken hearts A melody hummed by the serene souls 16 is a path to choose A state of muddle A cataclysm raining slow A bud prone to slay afore its blossom     16 is a silent cry of the innocent A fight against the world A revolution in the making A commencement of a war 16 is a cry turned a song   A harmony turned cacophonous A muffled cry of pain A moral learnt from a blunder. Hence, 16 the revolution of the melody  

We are not always right

There were two people arguing with each other about something both had different views about. Man A was with the view that apples could be grown on pear trees because people found a way to do so. Man B did not believe so and hence completely ignored the whole idea. This indifference caused the once best freinds to stop talking with each other. Man A tried ways to convince his friend about the idea but man B would not budge. Once man B came across another man who said that apples could be grown on pear trees. He could not believe his ears. He heard the man say that there were lots of places he saw such thing. He felt remorseful. He did not know what to do. He had lost his friends because of such ignorance. He wanted to go back to his friend and apologise for his mistake. As he walked, he heard another man saying that apples on a pear tree were absurd and totally unacceptable. He was convinced again that his original idea was true and gave up on the idea on apologising to his friend.

Old memories need to be deleted

I see people often post pictures of their past saying, 'i miss this moment' or 'wish i could go back'. My view about this, other people might have theirs, is that we often linger in our past and expect our present and the future to be equally cherishable or more. When we do not meet our own expectations, such posts arise. With this we play the blame game, either we blame the time, the place or the company that we keep. What I feel we should do is, never hold on to any thing. Even if the memories are the most precious to our hearts or the most unfortunate. We need to let it go. Only then will we make room for others. Take an example of our phones, when we have lots of pictures, memories of events, our phone says 'storage full' and we are compelled to delete few. Even then we select the ones which are lesser, the most precious remain. Due to this we restrict the amount of new pictures. Similarly, when we hold on to our past experiences, we are restricting new a


I see nervous faces on my way to towards the prayer hall today. The room, previously filled with solemnness of chanting Buddhist prayers, is now decorated with desks and chairs arranged in rows and columns. The trial examinations for grade ten and twelve is here. That explains the nervous faces from early on. I see the students holding either a book or bunches of papers. All of them mumbling and trying to memorize what they learned in class. Occasionally when their eyes meet mine I give them a smile and they smile in embarrassment and look away. As I open the door to the prayer hall, now their gateway to hell, I hear gasps and sighs randomly. They near the door like the moths to the light in warm summer nights. I leave the door open. It is rather dark inside. It is in total contrast of the environment and atmosphere outside. In the far end the Choecham (Buddhist alter) stands out with its vibrant colors and decorations. The curtains on the window are drawn and that perfectly added t

the known secret

'let me tell you secret'..he cuffed his hand..she put away her hair covering her ear to listen..he breathed heavily making it hard for her to hear..she complained about it and he blushed..he went closely and said..'gachi ya men'..'aaaa..not again..' she annoyed.. he just laughed..'not again' he said to himself.. ..he laid on a green stretcher when he opend his eyes..he was around him seemed if they had seen a ghost..the glucose pack rock ed back and forth and he saw her face..he gave her a smile..she replied it..he tried to cuff his hand but the hand won't move..he tried his best but it won't..the lights above him seemed so bright with every passing one..and soon white was the only color.. When he opened his eyes..she had fallen asleep by his bed..he lifted his hand..they were bandaged..heavily..he raised it above her head but lost control and the hand dropped on her head..waking her..she looked concerned..he s

the rain

"..the rain without the fear of landing safe or not.. no explanation..just falling..that's all they got.. into nothing but voidness opening its arm to welcome.. feeding the ever hungry river..but seldom.. making the land lose its form..crying.. distributing happiness to whom ever held their hands open for it..trying.. rumble rumble..and sparky..the two mischievous twins.. makes her run into my skin.. peeps she from from the button holes.. fear the only..her unfinished goals.. hides it goes on..plays again.. tend her with away the pain.. the giggle turned chuckles..pains ma heart.. wish i could where it all start.. pains to see her..long to play.. the rain that falls from her eyes to say..."

Cacophony of sorrows

Where have the times gone... A yearning heart is left torn. A lonely spring bird sings alone.. Dead are the feelings which had grown. Where did the times hide.. Only his shadow walks by his side. Love that had risen like the ocean tide.. Left stagnant without the guiding light. The heart now; filled with fear.. Through the countless nights and the countless tear.. Remieniscing the times of her love and care.. Now iridescent stranger from someone dear. Falls down the rain like arrows.. A rhyme from the times; a tune he borrows. For a billion others his heart just narrows.. Serendipitous of the cacophony of sorrows.