The First Kiss

"..and he stood there..not knowing what to say..not knowing what to do..things happened so fast he didn't even think of the reaction he would give..the stars seemed to laugh at him as he looked at them mesmerized..the moon seemed to awe at how innocent he was..trees seemed to tease him while they hugged their neighbor..the wind seemed to dance around him as if to remind him that he could move..but then he just stood there..
His eyes now started to water themselves for comfort..the smile satrted to feel heavy on his face yet he smiled..his feet felt like they were placed on smoldering charcoals yet they didn't budge an inch from their place..the cheeks burned themselves to hot red while his hands became as cold as thle winter she disappered in the darkness of the night..and appeared as a silhouette to the street lamp that seemed to glow annoyingly bright that night..he saw her face as she neared the lamp and the smile almost gave him a heart attack..his grin grew bigger before he could sense it..'i can't believe it' he said to himself still smiling..'she really did kiss me....'.."


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